Changes log
Changes log
What have we been up to? See a complete list of changes here.
Version: 3.04.031
Agendo has been updated! In this version, you'll find:
- Stock auto-refill
- Notes section in Requests
- QR Code for Request Class
- Requests with no financial expression
- Group leaders can book on behalf of their users
- Facility column in Notes & SOPs
- Fine tuning and minor bug fixes
Please remember to clear your browser's cache to make sure these changes work correctly. We hope you enjoy these improvements! If you find any bugs or features that are not working as expected, please contact us immediately via Agendo Support ticketing system.
Version: 3.04.019
- Financial reports submitted stored in Agendo
- Request fields' answer validation
- Request fields exclusive for managers
- Requests configuration to bypass approval workflow
- Basic math operations in item values of Requests
- Booking on month view
- Fine tuning and minor bug fixes
Version: 3.04.018
- Ability to block registration based on IP address (custom configuration made to each database on request)
- Feature video link in facilities
- Revised API endpoints for real-usage monitoring
- QR code with calendar link for mobile booking
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.04.017
- Booking metadata re-utilised to other bookings
- Request metadata (fields) imported from a .json file from other apps
- Hidden Requests without financial expression
- Removing files from Requests
- More strict GDPR rules*
- Add items in bulk for requests*
- Prices in the Facilities tab*
- Bug fixes
*configurations specific to each database upon request